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Our Team

The Whitman Journal of Psychology is an entirely student-led publication in which high-school student-conducted research and literature reviews in the field of psychology are recognized. The Journal reaches hundreds of schools and psychology students around the world and is electronically published, free for anyone to read.




Statements contained in The Whitman Journal of Psychology are the personal views of the authors and do not constitute Walt Whitman High School policy unless so indicated. Based in Bethesda, Maryland.  





Marisa Del Savio

Year: Teacher

Role: Program Manager

Melina Dorian 

Year: Senior

Role: Editor in Chief

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Gabriela Minai - Research.HEIC

Gabriela Minai

Year: Senior

Role: Team Lead

Annie DeLuca - Research .HEIC

Annie DeLuca

Year: Senior

Role: Research

Dani Widra - Research .HEIC

Dani Widra 

Year: Senior

Role: Research

Ellie Jane Isaac - Research .HEIC

Ellie Jane Isaac 

Year: Senior

Role: Research

Emily Crump - Research .HEIC

Emily Crump 

Year: Senior

Role: Research

Jesse Henning - Research .HEIC

Jesse Henning

Year: Senior

Role: Research

Kaitlin Lowy - Research.HEIC

Kaitlin Lowy

Year: Senior

Role: Research



Andrew Gray

Year: Senior

Role: Team Lead 


Naoko Kinoshita-Ruiz

Year: Senior

Role: Team Lead 

Adam Kobor - Editing .HEIC

Adam Kobor

Year: Senior

Role: Editing 

Calvin Kim - Editing .HEIC

Calvin Kim

Year: Senior

Role: Editing 

Carolina Sapriza - Editing .HEIC

Carolina Sapriza

Year: Senior

Role: Editing 

Jasper Murray - Editing .HEIC

Jasper Murray

Year: Senior

Role: Editing 

Milo Bergsman - Editing.HEIC

Milo Bergsman

Year: Senior

Role: Editing 

Sofia Antonioli - Editing .HEIC

Sofia Antonioli

Year: Senior

Role: Editing 

Will Swearingen - Editing .HEIC

Will Swearingen

Year: Senior

Role: Editing 


Annie Kessner - Comms.heic

Annie Kessner

Year: Senior

Role: Team Lead 

Abigail Bogdanovsky - Comms.HEIC

Abigail Bogdanovsky

Year: Senior

Role: Communications

Addie Lockard - Comms .HEIC

Addie Lockard

Year: Senior

Role: Communications

Caroline Jensen - Comms .HEIC

Caroline Jensen

Year: Senior

Role: Communications

Leah Rosenstein - Comms .HEIC

Leah Rosenstein

Year: Senior

Role: Communications


Mattie Oliver - Comms.jpeg

Mattie Oliver 

Year: Senior

Role: Head Tech

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